I don't know when it happened. You would think the exact day and time would be embedded in my memory forever, but looking back, I really don't know when it happened. At some point my sweet little baby boy became a vicious 4 year old. Don't get me wrong. He is still sweet most of the time, but when he isn't; oh boy is it bad. We are currently having a disagreement over where he is allowed to play. Mommy says we do not play in the kitchen, we play in the family room or your bedroom. Wyatt, however feels that the best shadows are in the kitchen. It is all about the shadows after all. I could give in and let him play dinosaur shadows on the kitchen floor. Is this really a battle worth fighting? I don't know. I seem to ask myself that question a hundred times a day. Today, I decided to hold my ground. His toys can be found in nearly every room of the house on most days. I do not want them in my sanctuary...my kitchen. After 15 minutes of heated discussion about where he is allowed to play we reach a decision. (Okay, I reach a decision.) I am not negotiating with a 4 year old! I very calmly tell him "Mommy is finished discussing this. We do not play in the kitchen and if you ask about it again you will be going to the time out chair." The next thing out of his little mouth: "But Mommy! I need to play the dinosaur shadows in the kitchen. Family room shadows are too dark. I need the big shadow!" So, to the time out chair he goes. There is no fussing or fighting. He sits with an angry scowl on his face fixing me with a glare that could chill bone. And then it happens. He breaks the silence in the room with one sentence. The one sentence no parent ever wants to hear from their child. "I don't love you, Mommy!" Now, logically I know that he is only 4. He doesn't understand the magnitude of what he has just said. There is no possible way that he could know how deeply that sentence would hurt me, but nonetheless, he said it. With defiance in his eyes and anger in his voice. So, now I'm left to wonder. When did this happen? When did my sweet angel turn into a 4 year old set on defying me at every opportunity? Oh, the joys of motherhood. I can only hope that he will get this attitude out of the way early so that we might live in harmony in his teen years. (I'm not an idiot. I know this is unlikely, but hope springs eternal!) Until then, I'm left to stare into the angelic face of a 4 year old little boy and wonder, when did 4 become the new 14?
Oh man, I'm sorry Brooke. Truett told me that last week and it really hurts. (HUGS)
ReplyDeleteKylee- I just really thought I had at least another 5 years or so before that started. Add that to the list of things I've been wrong about!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what your talking about! I have twins and they just turned 5. Today my son told me that "I'm not his Mom!" I just laughed, I thought it was too funny!LOL!